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Writer's pictureThat Happy Human

2. Fairy Tale city ....

Updated: Jul 25, 2020

Day 2 , 21 July 2019


We woke up quite early on a Sunday morning and got ready. Had heavy breakfast at home, since the day was going to be long exploring places. Fortunately, Kunal was aware of the local language and transport system.We got a day ticket to use trams/trains/bus to move across the city. It was a hot summer day but we were all charged up to make the most of it.

I was excited about travelling in the trams. Kunal taught me how to check the routes, timetable and most important how to punch the tickets. We got into a tram to The City Centre and then decided to walk to the famous Prague castle. It is situated at the top and walking in the heat seemed challenging already. But it was worth it. The view from the top was as magical . You could see the entire city from the top. So full of colors and beautiful architecture. I recalled the movie Rockstar ,that was another reason I wanted to visit this place.

The first sight of the castle left me stunned. The place was crowded and yet it managed to keep me hooked to its aura.

For a moment I began to think of the time when the King and his people must be living in this huge castle. What a wonderful feeling that must be !!

We explored the place and went to the other side of the castle and then something weird happened. All of a sudden the hot summer day turned into a cloudy sky.

I would call myself lucky for this turnaround of weather. It started raining and we got the best view of the castle. Don’t believe me?? See the picture below.

NOW It literally felt like I'm in a dreamland,everything seemed magical .

We waited in the shade while it rained and then began to see the rest o the city. By now the temperature had gotten down and it was pleasant again, YAY !!

We walked around the rain-soaked lanes talking and laughing. Checking out the local stores I got myself a hat that I used in the rest of my trip. I still have and it brings back so many amazing memories.

We were now hungry . I had already thought of trying as much local food and drinks as I could. My friends being vegetarian went to a nearby subway and I went to a cafe for local food, ALONE. This was an open café facing the road , where anybody walking on the street just passes through you. This was new to me. My first (of many more) meals alone on this trip and I loved it.

The Czech people tend to use lots of potato and cabbage in their meal along with meat and bread ofcourse. As you can see it was a heavy meal and it definitely satiated my hunger.

Kunal and Priya returned and next we went to get me a local sim . Freaking 1500 bucks for 1 GB data , never after that I took Jio for granted, lol.

It was almost 5 PM and we went to the Charles bridge next. That's the hot spot of the city. You can see almost everything while you take a walk on this bridge. Artists playing instruments, Painters , singers, dancers and what not !! This place is gold mine of artists. I was observing it all and feeling happy to be here.

Now it was turn for the "trdelník". I can't spell it nor can I pronounce it, lol. If you Google it, you'll know its the most savoured dish in Prague.

The place was right at the end of the Charles bridge, apparently the most famous one for "trdelník".I went in and saw them making this dish and it was quite amazing to see. I don't have a sweet tooth but this was worth a try.

With all the food, sweet and walking around, we were tired. As we walked more and more, I concluded that this city looked amazing from every angle.

It was almost time for the sunset. Kunal took us to a place from where we got the best view of the castle while the sun settled down. With someone playing violin around, this moment in itself was


We headed back home, tired but happy. Next day Kunal and Priya had their office and it was my time to explore the city ALONE ,I was nervous and excited at the same time.

Before sleeping I wrote my diary and remembered each place I saw and planned to visit few places again the next day by myself. And that’s how I wrapped Day 2.

Learning from the day: It’s so good to have friends who can take you places. Keep making more friends. 😉

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