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Writer's pictureThat Happy Human

20 The highness

Day 20 8 Aug 2019 Amsterdam

Good morning !!

I woke up happy today since I was in my dream city and had no plans whatsoever. I could just rest, eat,sit in a park,do nothing, sleep . Now this felt like a perfect leisure holiday.

My dorm mates were all guys who were from different countries and were in their own zone. I got down to the common area . I had read last night on the hostel's event board that they have yoga in the morning so I went to try.

Honestly this yoga was so different, not the Yoga I'd known so far, lol. But its nice to try variations .

I was hungry post the yoga though. As this was my last country I didn't worry about saving money. I didn't want to cook in the kitchen, although they had a good one.So I got the breakfast from the hostel's cafe and it was too good and healthy as well. everything here made me happy.

While I was having breakfast I got a ping on couch surfing. A woman from Argentina had asked if I would like to join her to explore the place. I thought of going with her. We decided to meet at the central station.

The common area was very empty as people party here till night and are asleep till noon.

After lazying around I got back to my room and got ready. I took the ferry and reached the station. The weather was good today. I got a map from the hostel. I met Ayelan at the station, she had a cycle but I didn't . So she parked her's at the station and we decided to walk around .

We went to see the house where Anne Frank was hiding during the world war. It has now turned into a museum but there was a long queue for tickets so we skipped.

The city looked so fresh and pleasant with the canals, bridges colorful flowers. The overall feel of the city is very cheerful. Every street, lane , bridge canal is picturesque. I can say it feels that the city is alive.

Another important thing to mention, the cyclists here. It is said that there are more cycles here than people. Infact even the canals have cycles debris under them. And when you Walk on the streets, you always have to give way to a cyclist first. I thought of renting cycle the next day and see the city. Its a different experience to just cycle around and see places.

While we walked Ayelan told me she's on a one year trip around Europe. She's pet setting for her hosts here in Amsterdam. The process is like you take care of the pets and house while the hosts are away. While she is here her place in Argentina is looked after by some other couch surfer. I loved this idea of travelling, earning and everything.

We went to the famous red light district in Amsterdam. This was during the day so we couldn't see much as its active during the night. photography is not allowed in this area. However there were live sex shows and other such weird things here. But it was too awkward for us so we didn't dare to go.

We all know what Amsterdam is famous for, lol. I wanted to try something . During all these days everyone had warned me to be safe if I ever try a Brownie or cookie. Ayelan had become a good friend by now so I thought while I have her company I can eat a cookie as she can take care of me if anything goes wrong. So we went to a shop to buy a space cake.

Damn there were just so many options. I'd asked my dorm mate what to go for and so I went for the medium one. We went a park and I ate it. The affect shows in an hour it said.

We went to see more places and then Ayelan had to go home to feed the pets . So I started to wander around alone, it felt so good.

I was happy high by now. and very HUNGRY. I remembered Dada had shown me a place yesterday for good Chinese food , it was at the city centre. I managed to reach the place and ordered food.

The food made me even more happy and high, felt like I'm in my own zone. I was now feeling dizzy. I started to go back tot he hostel. Fortunately I reached and sat in the common area.

I sat there doing nothing, not talking to anyone but still in a very good mood. Later I went to my dorm for a nap.

When I woke up it was quite late. Another guy from Couch surfing had pinged to ask if we could meet over beer. I didn't plan to go anywhere , so I agreed. I had some cake from the morning left, I ate that.

I went to meet him at a place very close to my hostel as I didn't want to risk being alone and far from hostel at night. His name was David and he was from London. He had travelled a lot and been to India as well. We exchanged our travel stories over beer and we had a good time .

I came back, sat in the hostel's bar. That was some good crowd and people were dancing, drinking, singing.

It was almost my birthday and nobody there knew me. I was in my own world after the cake and beer. I had such an amazing time . I literally sat in a corner, heavy in my head watching people for hours.

I just stepped out of my hostel for a walk but the wind was too strong so I came back to the hostel again and sat near the reception clueless.

I don't even remember when did I go back to my dorm and slept. But the birthday had begun on a HIGH. I had no plans for the next day either.

Learning from the day : Let yourself loose often to feel the most.

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